Saturday, 27 February 2016

Tatoo is a controversial problem

A few years ago a tatooed tourist was prohibited to enter the hot springs,because most of hot springs(public bathe) and swimming pools prohibit tatooed people to enter.  In Japan gnagsters are usually tatooed,therefore tatooed person is considered as a gangster,but tatoo is getting popular as fashion in the world and it is just a tradtion religiously or culturally in some countries.

That tourist,who was prohibited to enter the hot springs,was naturally not a gangster. We Japanese think that our body is gifted by our parents,so it is undutiful to impurify the gifted body by tatoo.  Maybe this idea is getting oldfashioned for young people but  old people still against tatoo.

If tatoo covers all over the body and a little finger is cut off then you are 100% considered as a gangster here. 

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